Scenery of the airport of Luebeck/Germany for FS98 only created by Bob Whitney This scenery was build with: Airport2.05 VOD2.7 Many many thanks goes to Mr. Graehlert from Luebeck airport for his support. He took some hours of his precious time, to show me the air- port in every detail, to explain me the special procedures in usage of the airport, and at least, to give me some special charts of the air- port, so you can be sure, that every building is on it's right place. Without his help, this scenery was not possible. Many thanks also to my friend Rainer Lund, who explained me how to work with VOD2.7. Thanks Rainer, for your helping hand every time I need it! Some compromises must be done, due to the limit of FS98. If you like to contact me for any feedback (e-mail adress above), I would be glad to hear from you. Maybe you visit Luebeck airport after you flew with this scenery??? Maybe your next holiday-trip will start at Luebeck? It's a very cosy and personal airport with a lot of flair, you will love it! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Information: The airport of Luebeck is under construction at the moment (May 1998). I took into consideration all new facilities that were build at the moment. These are: The broadens of Taxiway "Romeo" to the same width as the Runway (60m) The Taxiway lights of Taxiway "Charly" and Taxiway "Alpha" The new tower The new buildings for the fire brigade between Hangar "A" and the terminal The four cylinder-buildings at apron 2 are special hangars for light aircrafts. The light-green gras circle opposite the fire-brigade house is the helicopter landing place. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS SCENERY IS FREEWARE FOR PERSONAL USE OF EVERY PERSON OF OUR BIG FLIGHT-SIM FAMILY ALL OVER THE WORLD!!! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DON'T MAKE ANY MONEY WITH THIS SCENERY, DON'T PUBLISH THIS SCENERY WITHOUT MY WRITTEN PERMISSION!