************ 1959 California Dynamic Scenery ************** by Tom Gibson - tgibson@sunstroke.sdsu.edu Version 1, 6/98 THIS IS FOR FS98 ONLY, AND WILL NOT WORK IN PREVIOUS FS VERSIONS! (An updated ca59.bgl is also included; copy over your existing ca59.bgl with this file - it has smooth airport surfaces.) I've produced this scenery to add dynamic aircraft to my CA59 scenery, which models California airports with airline service as they were around 1959. These are simple sceneries, with two planes leaving the gate, taxiing to the runway, taking off, flying a pattern, landing, and taxiing back to the gate (one at a time). So far I've included dynamic planes at Los Angeles (LAX), San Francisco (SFO), San Diego (SAN), and Sacramento Municipal (SAC)(now Executive). If you don't like my choice of planes, you can change them to any converted FS98 plane you like by using DynKit, available at the DynKit home page: http://www.pobox.com/~kk/fs/dynkit/ I used the FSASM Recorder to record the flight (http://www.halcyon,com/zof/fsasm.html), and DynaGEN (http://www.flight-sim.iup.edu/files/uploads/d/dyngn142.zip) to convert the recorded flight into a dynamic scenery file. WARNING! DynaGEN is a DOS program and full of bugs; I suggest you use DOD (http://members.tripod.com/~rafasan/index.htm) or FS Action (www.abacuspub.com) to create the dynamic scenery file. I then used DynKit (above) to replace the default dynamic planes with propliners. FILES The dynamic planes are in xxxdyn.bgl, with xxx being the airport code. The xxxdyn.dki files are for use with DynKit, DOD 2.0, or FS Action. The other files are textures for the planes. You will also need to have the California 1959 scenery installed: http://http://www.flight-sim.iup.edu/files/uploads/ca59v1.zip INSTALLATION 1. First, install the CA59 scenery as described in the ca59read.me file, if you haven't already done so. See the ca59read.me file for instructions. 2. Copy the *.bgl and *.dki files from this file archive into your CA59\SCENERY folder. Copy the new ca59.bgl here too. 3. Now copy the various *.?AF files (i.e. dc6buad.0AF, etc.) to your main FS98 TEXTURE folder. They must be copied to your main TEXTURE folder - they are NOT to be placed into the CA59\TEXTURE folder. 4. In your main FS98 SCENERY folder, create a new folder called INACTIVE. Move the LOSANG5.BGL and SF5.BGL files from the main FS98 SCENERY folder into your new INACTIVE folder. WARNING!! The new dynamic scenery at LA and SF will NOT work unless the above files are moved!! Now start FS98 and enjoy your new dynamic planes! If you either remove or inactivate the CA59 scenery layer and want the original default dynamic planes at LAX and SFO, just move the LOSANG5.BGL and SF5.BGL files from the FS98\SCENERY\INACTIVE folder to the FS98\SCENERY folder. Don't forget to put them back into the INACTIVE folder if you reactivate CA59 or reinstall the CA59 dynamic scenery!! NOTE: This file and lots of classic airliners can be downloaded free from Tom Gibson's Classic Airliner WEB site at - http://members.aol.com/TGFltsim/ ************************************************************************** Now the legal stuff: ENJOY, AND FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME WITH SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENTS. THIS SCENERY IS THE PROPERTY OF THE AUTHOR, AND CANNOT BE RE-SOLD OR PACKAGED WITH ANY PRODUCT FOR SALE, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE AUTHORS. THIS IS FREEWARE!! YOU MAY UPLOAD THIS SCENERY TO ANY OTHER SERVER THAT HAS A FREE DISTRIBUTION POLICY. IF THIS SCENERY IS UPLOADED TO RESTRICTED SERVERS (I.E. COMPUSERVE FSFORUM)(NOT THE AUTHOR'S INTENTION), IT MAY BE DOWNLOADED AND UPLOADED TO OTHER SERVERS. THIS NOTICE CONSTITUTES THE AUTHOR'S PERMISSION TO DO THIS. THIS ENTIRE TEXT FILE MUST BE INCLUDED IN ANY DISTRIBUTION. THE AUTHORS ARE NOT LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES THAT YOU MIGHT INCUR AS A RESULT OF USING THESE PRODUCTS. YOU ASSUME THE RISK OF USE.