Thanks for your interest in this B717 panel project! This update requires the file, available at Flightsim and Simflight. What's Better?: * AUTOPILOT: Improved it's readability and fixed the auto-throttle bug that I inherited (unbeknownst to me, as I rarely use it). Thanks go to Frank Brosius for informing me of this. * ENGINE CRT: Now easier to read, simplified, and I added an improved DME gauge, thanks to FPDA. * RADIO: Again, enlarged the digital readouts. * RMI CRT: Added a clock/chronometer gauge and added GPS98 for those that use it (see panel config. files). * Relocated the Flight Director/Nav Display switches and updated the autobrake switch. WHEW!!!!!!!!! Installation; 1) Unzip the gauges into your c:\...\Flight Simulator\gauges folder. 2) Install the b717hi.bmp file into the panel folder of the plane you installed "VL717enh"; say yes to overwriting the old bitmap, or save the old one in another location until you're satisfied you won't need it. 3) Choose your panel.cfg file; If you have GPS98 by David Drouin, then rename the " GPS98_panel.cfg " file to " panel.cfg " and throw it in the panel folder. (Again, you may want to save a copy of the old one) If YOU DON'T have GPS98, simply use the "panel.cfg" file for your flyin' pleasure. You should be all set. This panel incorporates DfD gauges, FPDA gauges, HGHB gauges, realCRT.ND, signs.gau, EFPanels.ADI, and Tank5 gauge. Also the work of Vanessa Leightower. Greg Gott