************** Amerijet International 727-233F N395AJ *************** **Please turn on Word Wrap if viewing with Notepad** Original 727-200 AFX by: Brian Quayle Textures and (slight) AFX mods by: Steve Kempf -------------------------- Installation: You can use this aircraft in: *Microsoft Flight Simulator 98 Make sure Winzip's "Use Folder Names" option is activated. Then simply extract all the files to your Flightsim 98 Aircraft directory, and the N395aj directory will automaticly be made in the FS98/Aircraft directory. (FS5 .air file is available.. Email me and I'll send it.) *NOTE* You do not need Flight Shop, but you MUST have the FSFS converter to use this aircraft with FS6 and FS98. ------------------------- Legal stuff: If you have any comments, questions, suggestions regarding this aircraft, please feel free to drop me a line. This aircraft is FREEWARE. You may upload it to other online services provided it is not for profit and that we are given credit for this aircraft. This aircraft may not be reverse-engineered . This aircraft may not be uploaded to any other internet site without the author's written permission. Also, you may NOT include this file on any CD-ROM or other medium where money is made off it. This aircraft was designed as freeware, and it is intended to remain as freeware. ---------------------------- ----------------------------- Acknowledgements: Brian Quayle - for the 727-200 AFX. ----------------------------- Enjoy! SteveK Please mail me with comments or suggestions at: stevek01@hotmail.com *or* ICQ:1574352 ------------------------- F