dpa_pwk2_text.zip Dupage & Palwaukee IL Scenery - Missing Texture Files For MS Flight Simulator 6 & FS98 Note: Not tested on FS5.1 (but it probably will work) Designed by: John Voznak - jvoznak@concentric.net or jvoznak@raex.com Chris Symon (reference material) 05/10/99 Version notes: This file contains some missing textures for DPA_PWK2.ZIP. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This scenery was designed using Airport & Scenery Designer from Abacus. This scenery is FREEWARE, so I am not charging for it and you should not charge for it either... FS98 users who have installed the converter/patch are in for a treat... the converter/patch increases the scenery buffer from 256k to 512k. I highly recommend FS98 with the converter/patch installed!!! ============================================================================ Files included in dpa_pwk_txt.zip: cess402.r8 cess402b.r8 pipblue.r8 pipred.r8 pipyelow.r8 ============================================================================ INSTALLATION: Unzip files into a Flight Simulator "Texture" folder. Note: These files require dpa_pwk2.zip to be installed first. ============================================================================ HINTS & TIPS: If you have a fast computer (PII 266 or faster), set your scenery density to "DENSE". I now have a web page for my scenery - the URL is: http://web.raex.com/~jvoznak Note: You can email me with questions or observations at: jvoznak@raex.com Disclaimer: I have developed this scenery on my PC and have had no adverse problems. This does not mean that you won't. Use this scenery at your own risk. ============================================================================ Credits: A very special thanks goes to Chris Symon who convinced me to do this scenery. Chris provided an unbelieveable amount of much needed reference material and pictures of these airports. Once again - this scenery is FREEWARE!!! Copyright 1999, all rights reserved.