FS 98 CANADIAN AIRLINES 747-475 #2 Cockpit and cabin night lighting. Landing lights and a new flight model. PROUD WINGS.By Ronald R Fraley. E-mail = RonaldFraley@hotmail.com This plane was painted for optimal performance in 3-D mode.......but it still looks good in normal view. I would like to apologize for the lenth of time it took me to get this finished. I have been overwhelmed with requests for aircraft to be painted that It takes along time to catch up, but for those who requested, this is what I came up with....if you see anything that needs correcting....let me know please. I would like to thank Camil Valiquette for his 747 flight model and Christine Dirksen for the flight dynamics. I would also like to thank all those who have assisted me and most of all the people that have e-mailed me and told me how much they like my work.......I must say, thank you again. Legal mumbojumbo................*************\ **********DISTRIBUTION:********** This file is copyrighted FREEWARE. This file may not be uploaded anywhere where a per file fee is charged for download. It may not be sold on any disk or CD in any way, shape, or form, or bundled as part of a 'bonus pack' with any commercial software. This file may not be uploaded to any archive where the archive owners claim copyright, i.e. Compuserve's FSFORUM. This file may not be redistributed in any other way than this original ZIP file - which means NOTHING may be added or removed. This includes BBS ads. The textures used on this aircraft may not be re-painted in a texture editor and re-released on another airplane. Any repaints must be done off the original AFX. This file may not be bundled with any other files without the author's written permission. This includes bundling with panels, sounds, and in airplane collections. No warrantees, implied or written, are offered with this software. The designers accept no responsibility for any damages caused by the installation and use of this software. If you have a question, e-mail me and I'll be happy to answer. Canadian Paint By Ronald Fraley 1999.