El Al 737-300 version 1.0 for Microsoft Simulator 98 NEW LIVERY ******************************************* INSTALLATION To install, create a folder in your FS98 aircraft directory called 'El Al 737' (without the quotations of course)Then, just unzip into this folder. All of the folders will then be created automatically. CREDITS Special thanks to: - Chris Bawden for allowing me to use his flight and visual models. - El Al Israel Airlines for creating such a nice 1999 livery. IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS WITH THE AIRCRAFT ITSELF, PLEASE CONTACT THE FREEWARE WORKS BY E-MAILING THEM AT: Airplane-Lover@juno.com ******************************************* The Freeware Works in not responsible for anything that this airplane may do to your computer. We take pride in what we do, and that's why this aircraft has been extensively tested before it is released. ******************************************* LEGAL DISCLAIMER THIS IS DISTRIBUTED AS "FREEWARE" WITHOUT WARRANTEES OF ANY KIND. YOU MAY DISTRIBUTE OR UPLOAD THIS TO ANY BBS AS "FREEWARE" WITH ORIGINAL CREDIT GIVEN TO ITS AUTHORS, BUT YOU MAY NOT PROFIT FROM THIS WORK OR DISTRIBUTE IT TO AN INDIVIDUAL WHO HAS THE INTENT OF PROFIT. THE ORIG- NAL MODEL AND TEXTURES MAY NOT BE ALTERED IN ANY WAY. THE 737-300 FLIGHT AND VISUAL MODELS ARE (C) 1997 BY CHRIS BAWDEN. THE TEXTURES (PAINT) ARE (C) 1999 BY THE FREEWARE WORKS.