THE FSS (Flight Sim Support) project. By TEAM FSS (FREEWARE) contains: Legends and Symbology used in the SAS Route Manual format. Part 11: SUNRISE/SET DIAGRAM. These diagrams portray graphically for any year the times of rising and setting of the sun for latitudes up to 75 degrees North and South, with example and instructions for use. In pdf format from PostScript files. NOTE: This file was originally uploaded as a FREE files to the FSS project site at, from which it now has been moved to the IUP archive. It should be stressed that this is still a "current" FSS file, i.e it has NOT been replaced by any updates, upgrades or additions as of 13 JUL 99. However, the information presented within this file may be more or less outdated and erroneous. For that reason it MUST NOT be used in real life aviation. In order to view and print the pdf file, you need the 32-bit version of Acrobat Reader. You can get a free copy here: Enjoy! Bertil Gullmar Sunnansjo, Sweden, 13 JUL 99