****************************!!!IMPORTANT NOTICE: The texture file seed90.r8 does not necessarily has to be in your main FS98 texture directory, as the other seed files do. I have become aware that a different seed90.r8 file is in use by some American sceneries. You can put Scenery Spain's seed90.r8 in your Scenery Spain's texture folder to avoid incompatibility. However, seedf4.r8 and seedf5.r8 MUST still go in the FS98 main texture directory. Installation: If using an unzipping utility that saves folder structure, such as winzip, simply unzip the enclosed archive on your Scenery Spain directory, overwriting old files. Otherwise, simply move all .bgl files to your Scenery Spain's scenery directory, .r8, .pat, and .jce files to your Scenery Spain's texture directory, and .txt files to your main directory. What's fixed: 1: Sevilla San Pablo airport now at correct altitude (34 m). Also fixed its position and added ILS markers, which were missing before. 2: Removed an NDB at Sevilla and a VOR in Ampuriabrava which are non-existant in reality (see espnav.txt). 3: Fixed a tile problem at the ULM field at Brunete, Madrid. 4: Included missing textures for "La Mujer Muerta" mountain in Ceuta, for the church in Avila, for a building in Bilbao, and from some maple trees. Also included a missing texture from some ships in Gibraltar, but which looked o.k. without textures anyway. 5: Fixed an ILS at runway 25 in Barcelona, which should be 109.5 and not DME only. 6: New airfields at Ager, Benabarre, El Salobral, Toledo, Villaframil, and Villamanrique. 7: New detailed La Juliana airfield. 8: New thermal scenery for soaring. This is in a separate folder (thermals), to use it move to your scenery folder. You will notice that it adds some clouds in the thermal soaring areas. These are located around the soaring clubs at Ocaņa, Corral de Ayllon, and Fuentemilanos. 9: Much more details in general. 10: Updated the airports.txt and espnav.txt with the changes. ___________________________________________________________________ Instalacion: Si utiliza un decompresor que salve la estructura de los ficheros (ej: winzip), simplemente descomprima el archivo incluido aqui en la carpeta en donde tenga instalado su escenario, sobreescribiendo los ficheros viejos. De otra manera, simplemente ponga los ficheros .bgl en la carpeta de scenery de su escenario de Espaņa, los r8, .pat, y .jce en la carpeta de texture de su escenario, y los de texto en la carpeta principal de su escenario. Que esta arreglado: 1: Sevilla San Pablo en su altitud correcta (34 m). Tambien se corrigio su posicion y se le aņadieron las balizas que faltaban en el ILS, de acuerdo con el AIP. 2: Se quitaron un NDB en Sevilla y un VOR en Ampuriabrava que no existian en realidad. 3: Se corrigio un problema de tiles en el aerodromo de ULM en Brunete. 4: Se incluyen las texturas que faltaban para "La Mujer Muerta" en Ceuta, la iglesia de Avila, un edificio en Bilbao, y los Arces (tipo de arbol). Tambien faltaba una textura para unos barcos en Gibraltar, pero se veian bien sin textura de todas maneras. 5: ILS en Barcelona en la pista 25: 109.5 (no solo DME). 6: Nuevos campos de vuelo en Ager, Benabarre, El Salobral, Toledo, Villaframil, y Villamanrique. 7: Detalles aņadidos en La Juliana. 8: Nuevos escenarios de termales para vuelo a vela. Estos estan en la carpeta de thermals, para utilizarlos debe moverlos a la carpeta de scenery (opcional). Notara que aņade nubes en la zona de vuelos termales. Estos estan en los alrededores de Fuentemilanos, Ocaņa, y Corral de Ayllon. 9: Muchos mas detalles en general. 10: Ficheros de texto corregidos de acuerdo a los cambios. _____________________________________________________________________ Thanks/Gracias: Israel Abril Fernandez (Sevilla altitude and Navaids) David Schulze (seed textures and missing textures) Club Albatros