Rinas Airport for MS Flight Simulator98 TIRANA ALBANIA v1.0 Author: Paul K. Hansen (pkhans@geocities.com) Albania is one of the poorest countries in Europe. Politically unstable and now feeling the crush of refugees fleeing civil war in Kosovo province. Rinas (LATI) is the main airport at Tirana, Albania This airstrip was recently renovated by a German company, which included new electrical and runway lighting systems as well as a major strengthening of its main runway. It hosted the NATO Allied Forces Southern Europe Exercise Cooperative Assembly 98 in August of 1998. This file is based on available information at this time. If you have any additional information regarding this airport, please e-mail me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Runway: 18/36 2750m x 65m (9022' x 213') ILS: NONE ATIS: 122.0 NDB'S: TR 290, KA 380 VOR: Tirana 117.70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS FILE IS DESIGNED FOR MICROSOFT FLIGHT SIMULATOR98 ONLY. Changes have been made to default FS98 scenery. No exclude files needed. 3D tested Not tested with Europe vx.x sceneries. Please report all bugs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS= 1. IN THE SCENERY DIRECTORY OF FS98 CREATE: \TIRANA\ SCENERY\ 2. EXTRACT THE CONTENTS OF THESE ARCHIVES LIKE THIS: TIRANA.BGL GOES IN \TIRANA\SCENERY\ TEXTURE.ZIP GOES IN \TEXTURE\ (IF NEEDED) 3. SET IT ON THE SCENERY LIBRARY OF FS98 AS LOCAL. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGAL: This Scenery is FREEWARE You are allowed to use and copy it free of charge. No payment of any kind may be charged for this scenery without authorization and written permission from the author. This includes the distribution on a commercial CD-ROM or other mass media. This scenery is distributed "AS IS". No warranty of any kind is expressed or implied. Using and/or distributing this scenery signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions. Scenery was created with Airport 2.5 Thanks to Pascal Meziat, Manfred Moldenhauer and Rafael Sanchez VOD patterns by Rafael Sanchez