4. Protocol Specification The Information Retrieval application protocol specifies the formats and procedures governing the transfer of information between a Z39.50 origin/target pair. A unit of information, passed between two peer applications is called an "application protocol data unit" or APDU. Sections 4.1 and 4.2 respectively describe the formats (the Abstract Syntax) and rules (Protocol Procedures) for exchange of the Z39.50 APDUs. In addition, sections 4.3 and 4.4 respectively describe rules for extensibility and conformance requirements. 4.1 Abstract Syntax and ASN.1 Specification of Z39.50 APDUs This section describes the abstract syntax of the Z39.50 APDUs, using the ASN.1 notation defined in ISO 8824. The comments included within the ASN.1 specification constitute part of the standard. For all EXTERNAL types, whenever the EXTERNAL content is a structure whose abstract syntax is defined using ASN.1, "encoding" (within the ASN.1 definition of the EXTERNAL type in ISO 8824) shall select the CHOICE "single- ASN1-type". Z39-50-APDU DEFINITIONS ::= -- "Z39-50-APDU" registered in Appendix A. BEGIN -- ANSI Z39.50 V3D10 - 4/94 -- EXPORTS OtherInformation, Term, AttributeSetId, AttributeList, AttributeElement, ElementSetName, SortElement, DatabaseName, Specification, OriginSuppliedCommonParameters, CharacterString, IntUnit, Unit, StringOrNumeric, Query, Records, ResultSetId; -- PDU ::= CHOICE{ initRequest [20] IMPLICIT InitializeRequest, initResponse [21] IMPLICIT InitializeResponse, searchRequest [22] IMPLICIT SearchRequest, searchResponse [23] IMPLICIT SearchResponse, presentRequest [24] IMPLICIT PresentRequest, presentResponse [25] IMPLICIT PresentResponse, deleteResultSetRequest [26] IMPLICIT DeleteResultSetRequest, deleteResultSetResponse [27] IMPLICIT DeleteResultSetResponse, accessControlRequest [28] IMPLICIT AccessControlRequest, accessControlResponse [29] IMPLICIT AccessControlResponse, resourceControlRequest [30] IMPLICIT ResourceControlRequest, resourceControlResponse [31] IMPLICIT ResourceControlResponse, triggerResourceControlRequest [32] IMPLICIT TriggerResourceControlRequest, resourceReportRequest [33] IMPLICIT ResourceReportRequest, resourceReportResponse [34] IMPLICIT ResourceReportResponse, scanRequest [35] IMPLICIT ScanRequest, scanResponse [36] IMPLICIT ScanResponse, -- [37] through [42] reserved sortRequest [43] IMPLICIT SortRequest, sortResponse [44] IMPLICIT SortResponse, segmentRequest [45] IMPLICIT Segment, extendedServicesRequest [46] IMPLICIT ExtendedServicesRequest, extendedServicesResponse [47] IMPLICIT ExtendedServicesResponse, close [48] IMPLICIT Close} InitializeRequest ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, protocolVersion ProtocolVersion, options Options, preferredMessageSize PreferredMessageSize, maximumRecordSize MaximumRecordSize, idAuthentication [7] ANY OPTIONAL, -- see note below implementationId ImplementationId OPTIONAL, implementationName ImplementationName OPTIONAL, implementationVersion ImplementationVersion OPTIONAL, userInformationField UserInformationField OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} --Note: -- For idAuthentication, the type ANY is retained for compatibility with earlier versions. -- For interoperability, the following is recommended: -- IdAuthentication [7] CHOICE{ -- open VisibleString, -- idPass SEQUENCE { -- groupId [0] IMPLICIT VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- userId [1] IMPLICIT VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- password [2] IMPLICIT VisibleString OPTIONAL }, -- anonymous NULL, -- other EXTERNAL (May use access control formats here. See Appendix ACC) -- } InitializeResponse ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, protocolVersion ProtocolVersion, options Options, preferredMessageSize PreferredMessageSize, maximumRecordSize MaximumRecordSize, result [12] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN, implementationId ImplementationId OPTIONAL, implementationName ImplementationName OPTIONAL, implementationVersion ImplementationVersion OPTIONAL, userInformationField UserInformationField OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} ProtocolVersion ::= [3] IMPLICIT BIT STRING{ version-1 (0), -- this bit should always be set, but does not -- correspond to any Z39.50 version version-2 (1), -- "version 2 supported" -- this bit should always be set version-3 (2) -- "version 3 supported" -- Values higher than 'version-3' should be ignored. Both the Initialize and Initialize --Response APDUs -- include a value string corresponding to the supported versions. The highest common -- version is selected -- for use. If there are no versions in common, "Result" in the Init Response should -- indicate "reject". -- Note: Versions 1 and 2 are identical. Systems supporting version 2 should indicate -- support for version -- 1 as well, for interoperability with systems that indicate support for version 1 only -- (e.g. ISO 10163 -- implementations). } Options ::= [4] IMPLICIT BIT STRING{ search (0), present (1), delSet (2), resourceReport (3), triggerResourceCtrl (4), resourceCtrl (5), accessCtrl (6), scan (7), sort (8), -- (9) reserved extendedServices (10), level-1Segmentation (11), level-2Segmentation (12), concurrentOperations (13), namedResultSets (14)} PreferredMessageSize ::= [5] IMPLICIT INTEGER MaximumRecordSize ::= [6] IMPLICIT INTEGER ImplementationId ::= [110] IMPLICIT VisibleString ImplementationName ::= [111] IMPLICIT VisibleString ImplementationVersion ::= [112] IMPLICIT VisibleString UserInformationField ::= [11] EXTERNAL SearchRequest ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, smallSetUpperBound [13] IMPLICIT INTEGER, largeSetLowerBound [14] IMPLICIT INTEGER, mediumSetPresentNumber [15] IMPLICIT INTEGER, replaceIndicator [16] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN, resultSetName [17] IMPLICIT VisibleString, databaseNames [18] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF DatabaseName, smallSetElementSetNames [100] ElementSetNames OPTIONAL, mediumSetElementSetNames [101] ElementSetNames OPTIONAL, preferredRecordSyntax PreferredRecordSyntax OPTIONAL, query [21] Query, -- following two parameters may be used only if version 3 is in effect. additionalSearchInfo [203] IMPLICIT OtherInformation OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} Query ::= CHOICE {type-0 [0] ANY, type-1 [1] IMPLICIT RPNQuery, type-2 [2] OCTET STRING, type-100 [100] OCTET STRING, type-101 [101] IMPLICIT RPNQuery} RPNQuery ::= SEQUENCE{ attributeSet AttributeSetId, rpn RPNStructure} RPNStructure ::= CHOICE{ op [0] Operand, rpnRpnOp [1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{ rpn1 RPNStructure, rpn2 RPNStructure, op Operator }} -- Operand ::= CHOICE{ attrTerm AttributesPlusTerm, resultSet ResultSetId, -- if version 2 is in effect: -- - if query type is 1, one of the above two must be chosen; -- - resultAttr (below) may be used only if query type is 101. resultAttr ResultSetPlusAttributes } AttributesPlusTerm ::= [102] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{ attributes AttributeList, term Term} ResultSetPlusAttributes ::= [214] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{ resultSet ResultSetId, attributes AttributeList} AttributeList ::= [44] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF AttributeElement -- Term ::= CHOICE{ general [45] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING, -- values below may be used only if version 3 is in effect numeric [215] IMPLICIT INTEGER, simpleCharacterString [216] IMPLICIT GeneralString, fancyCharacterString [217] IMPLICIT CharacterString, external [218] IMPLICIT EXTERNAL, integerUnit [219] IMPLICIT IntUnit, null [220] IMPLICIT NULL} -- (220 is highest tag used) Operator ::= [46] CHOICE{ and [0] IMPLICIT NULL, or [1] IMPLICIT NULL, and-not [2] IMPLICIT NULL, -- if version 2 is in effect: -- - for query type 1, one of the above three must be chosen; -- - prox (below) may be used only if query type is 101. prox [3] IMPLICIT ProximityOperator } AttributeElement ::= SEQUENCE{ attributeSet [1] IMPLICIT AttributeSetId OPTIONAL, -- must be omitted if version 2 is in effect. -- if included, overides value of attributeSet -- in RPNQery above, but ONLY for THIS attribute. attributeType [120] IMPLICIT INTEGER, attributeValue [121] IMPLICIT INTEGER} ProximityOperator ::= SEQUENCE{ exclusion [1] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, distance [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER, ordered [3] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN, relationType [4] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ lessThan (1), lessThanOrEqual (2), equal (3), greaterThanOrEqual (4), greaterThan (5), notEqual (6)}, proximityUnitCode [5] CHOICE{ known [1] IMPLICIT KnownProximityUnit, private [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER}} -- KnownProximityUnit ::= INTEGER{ character (1), word (2), sentence (3), paragraph (4), section (5), chapter (6), document (7), element (8), subelement (9), elementType (10), byte (11) -- Version 3 only } SearchResponse ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, resultCount [23] IMPLICIT INTEGER, numberOfRecordsReturned NumberOfRecordsReturned, nextResultSetPosition NextResultSetPosition, searchStatus [22] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN, resultSetStatus [26] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ subset (1), interim (2), none (3)} OPTIONAL, presentStatus PresentStatus OPTIONAL, records Records OPTIONAL, -- following two parameters may be used only if version 3 is in effect. additionalSearchInfo [203] IMPLICIT OtherInformation OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} PresentRequest ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, resultSetId ResultSetId, resultSetStartPoint [30] IMPLICIT INTEGER, numberOfRecordsRequested [29] IMPLICIT INTEGER, additionalRanges [212] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF Range OPTIONAL, -- may not be included if version 2 is in effect. recordComposition CHOICE{ simple [19] ElementSetNames, -- must choose 'simple' if version 2 is in effect complex [209] IMPLICIT CompSpec} OPTIONAL, preferredRecordSyntax PreferredRecordSyntax OPTIONAL, maxSegmentCount [204] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- level 1 or 2 maxRecordSize [206] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- level 2 only maxSegmentSize [207] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- level 2 only otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- --Segment PDU may only be used when version 3 is in effect, and only when segmentation is -- in effect. Segment ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, numberOfRecordsReturned NumberOfRecordsReturned, segmentRecords [0] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF NamePlusRecord, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- PresentResponse ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, numberOfRecordsReturned NumberOfRecordsReturned, nextResultSetPosition NextResultSetPosition, presentStatus PresentStatus, records Records OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- -- begin auxiliary definitions for search and response APDUs -- begin definition of records Records ::= CHOICE{ responseRecords [28] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF NamePlusRecord, nonSurrogateDiagnostic [130] IMPLICIT DefaultDiagFormat, multipleNonSurDiagnostics [205] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF DiagRec} NamePlusRecord ::= SEQUENCE{ name [0] IMPLICIT DatabaseName OPTIONAL, record [1] CHOICE{ retrievalRecord [1] EXTERNAL, surrogateDiagnostic [2] DiagRec, -- only the above two values, [1] and [2], may be -- used unless 'level 2 segmentation' is in effect startingFragment [3] FragmentSyntax, intermediateFragment [4] FragmentSyntax, finalFragment [5] FragmentSyntax}} DiagRec ::= CHOICE{ defaultFormat DefaultDiagFormat, externallyDefined EXTERNAL} FragmentSyntax ::= CHOICE{ externallyTagged EXTERNAL, notExternallyTagged OCTET STRING} DefaultDiagFormat::= SEQUENCE{ diagnosticSetId OBJECT IDENTIFIER, condition INTEGER, addinfo VisibleString} -- end definition of records -- Range ::= SEQUENCE{ startingPosition [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER, numberOfRecords [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER} -- ElementSetNames ::= CHOICE { generic [0] IMPLICIT ElementSetName, databaseSpecific [1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE{ dbName DatabaseName, esn ElementSetName}} ElementSetName ::= [103] IMPLICIT VisibleString PreferredRecordSyntax ::= [104] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER NumberOfRecordsReturned ::= [24] IMPLICIT INTEGER NextResultSetPosition ::= [25] IMPLICIT INTEGER PresentStatus ::= [27] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ success (0), partial-1 (1), partial-2 (2), partial-3 (3), partial-4 (4), failure (5)} -- being definition of composition specification CompSpec ::= SEQUENCE{ selectAlternativeFlag [1] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN, generic [2] IMPLICIT Specification OPTIONAL, dbSpecific [3] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE{ db [1] DatabaseName, spec [2] IMPLICIT Specification} OPTIONAL, -- At least one of [2] and [3] must occur. recordSyntax [4] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL} Specification ::= SEQUENCE{ schema [1] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL, elementSpec [2] CHOICE{ primitive [1] IMPLICIT ElementSetName, external [2] IMPLICIT EXTERNAL} OPTIONAL} -- end definition of composition specification -- end auxiliary definitions for search and response APDUs DeleteResultSetRequest ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, deleteFunction [32] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ list (0), all (1)}, resultSetList SEQUENCE OF ResultSetId OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- DeleteResultSetResponse ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, deleteOperationStatus [0] IMPLICIT DeleteSetStatus, deleteListStatuses [1] IMPLICIT ListStatuses OPTIONAL, numberNotDeleted [34] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, bulkStatuses [35] IMPLICIT ListStatuses OPTIONAL, deleteMessage [36] IMPLICIT VisibleString OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- ListStatuses ::= SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE{ id ResultSetId, status DeleteSetStatus} DeleteSetStatus ::= [33] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ success (0), resultSetDidNotExist (1), previouslyDeletedByTarget (2), systemProblemAtTarget (3), accessNotAllowed (4), resourceControlAtOrigin (5), resourceControlAtTarget (6), bulkDeleteNotSupported (7), notAllDeletedOnBulkDlte (8), notAllRequestedResultSetsDeleted (9), resultSetInUse (10)} -- -- AccessControlRequest ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, securityChallenge CHOICE{ simpleForm [37] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING, externallyDefined [0] EXTERNAL}, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} AccessControlResponse ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, securityChallengeResponse CHOICE{ simpleForm [38] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING, externallyDefined [0] EXTERNAL}, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} ResourceControlRequest ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, suspendedFlag [39] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, resourceReport [40] ResourceReport OPTIONAL, partialResultsAvailable [41] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ subset (1), interim (2), none (3)} OPTIONAL, responseRequired [42] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN, triggeredRequestFlag [43] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- ResourceControlResponse ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, continueFlag [44] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN, resultSetWanted [45] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- TriggerResourceControlRequest ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, requestedAction [46] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ resourceReport (1), resourceControl (2), cancel (3)}, prefResourceReportFormat [47] IMPLICIT ResourceReportId OPTIONAL, resultSetWanted [48] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- ResourceReportRequest ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, opId [210] IMPLICIT ReferenceId OPTIONAL, prefResourceReportFormat [49] IMPLICIT ResourceReportId OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} ResourceReportResponse ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, resourceReportStatus [50] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ success (0), partial (1), failure-1 (2), failure-2 (3), failure-3 (4), failure-4 (5), failure-5 (6), failure-6 (7)}, resourceReport [51] ResourceReport OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- ResourceReport ::= EXTERNAL ResourceReportId ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER --Scan -- ScanRequest ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, databaseNames [3] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF DatabaseName, attributeSet AttributeSetId OPTIONAL, termListAndStartPoint AttributesPlusTerm, stepSize [5] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, numberOfTermsRequested [6] IMPLICIT INTEGER, preferredPositionInResponse [7] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} ScanResponse ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, stepSize [3] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, scanStatus [4] IMPLICIT INTEGER { success (0), partial-1 (1), partial-2 (2), partial-3 (3), partial-4 (4), partial-5 (5), failure (6) }, numberOfEntriesReturned [5] IMPLICIT INTEGER, positionOfTerm [6] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, entries [7] ListEntries OPTIONAL, attributeSet [8] IMPLICIT AttributeSetId OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- begin auxiliary definitions for Scan ListEntries ::= CHOICE { entries [1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF Entry, nonsurrogateDiagnostics [2] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF DiagRec} -- Entry ::= CHOICE { termInfo [1] IMPLICIT TermInfo, surrogateDiagnostic [2] DiagRec} -- TermInfo ::= SEQUENCE { term Term, suggestedAttributes AttributeList OPTIONAL, alternativeTerm [4] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF AttributesPlusTerm OPTIONAL, globalOccurrences [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, byAttributes [3] IMPLICIT OccurrenceByAttributes OPTIONAL, otherTermInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} OccurrenceByAttributes ::= SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE{ attributes [1] AttributeList, occurrences CHOICE{ global [2] INTEGER, byDatabase [3] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE{ db DatabaseName, num [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, otherDbInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL}} OPTIONAL, otherOccurInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- end auxiliary definitions for Scan -- Sort SortRequest ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, inputResultSetNames [3] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF VisibleString, sortedResultSetName [4] IMPLICIT VisibleString, sortSequence SortSequence, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- SortResponse ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, sortStatus [3] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ success (0), partial-1 (1), failure (2)}, resultSetStatus [4] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ empty (1), interim (2), unchanged (3), none (4)} OPTIONAL, diagnostics [5] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF DiagRec OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- begin auxiliary definitions for Sort SortSequence ::= [202] CHOICE{ generic [1] IMPLICIT SortElementList, datbaseSpecific [2] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE{ databaseName DatabaseName, dbSort [0] IMPLICIT SortElementList}} SortElementList ::= SEQUENCE OF SortKey -- The order of occurence of the SortKeys within the sequence is from major to minor. -- SortKey ::= SEQUENCE{ sortElement SortElement, sortRelation [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ ascending (0), descending (1)}, caseSensitivity [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ caseSensitive (0), caseInsensitive (1)}, missingValueAction [3] CHOICE{ abort [1] IMPLICIT NULL, null [2] IMPLICIT NULL, --supply a null value for missing value missingValueData [3] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING} OPTIONAL} SortElement ::= CHOICE{ sortfield [0] IMPLICIT VisibleString, -- an element, element-group-tag, or alias supported by the target -- and denoting a set of elements associated with each record. elementSpec [1] IMPLICIT Specification, sortAttributes [2] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{ id AttributeSetId, list AttributeList}} -- end auxiliary definitions for sort -- ExtendedServicesRequest ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, function [3] IMPLICIT INTEGER { create (1), delete (2), modify (3)}, packageType [4] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER, packageName [5] IMPLICIT VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- mandatory for 'modify' or 'delete' originCommonTaskParameters [6] IMPLICIT OriginSuppliedCommonParameters OPTIONAL, -- Mandatory for 'create'. Should be included on --'modify' if any of the common parameters are being -- modified. Not needed on 'delete'. originSpecificParameters [7] IMPLICIT EXTERNAL OPTIONAL, -- Similarly, mandatory for 'create'; included on -- 'modify' if specific parameters being modified; not -- necessary on 'delete'. For the 'EXTERNAL', use -- OID of Task package, and select CHOICE [1]: -- requestPackage. waitAction [8] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ wait (1), waitIfPossible (2), dontWait (3)}, elements ElementSetName OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- ExtendedServicesResponse ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, operation-status [3] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ done (1), queued (2), failure (3)}, diagnostics [4] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF DiagRec OPTIONAL, taskPackage [5] IMPLICIT EXTERNAL OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} OriginSuppliedCommonParameters ::= SEQUENCE{ userId [1] IMPLICIT VisibleString OPTIONAL, retentionTime [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, permissions [3] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE{ userId [1] IMPLICIT VisibleString, allowableFunctions [2] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF INTEGER{ delete (1), modifyContents (2), modifyPermissions (3), present (4), invoke (5)} OPTIONAL}, description [4] IMPLICIT VisibleString OPTIONAL} Close ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, closeReason CloseReason, diagnosticInformation [3] IMPLICIT VisibleString OPTIONAL, resourceReport [4] ResourceReport OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- CloseReason ::= [211] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ finished (0), shutdown (1), systemProblem (2), costLimit (3), resources (4), securityViolation (5), protocolError (6), lackOfActivity (7), peerAbort (8), unspecified (9)} -- -- Global auxiliary definitions ReferenceId ::= [2] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING DatabaseName ::= [105] IMPLICIT VisibleString ResultSetId ::= [31] IMPLICIT VisibleString AttributeSetId ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- OtherInformation OtherInformation ::= [201] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE{ category [1] IMPLICIT InfoCategory OPTIONAL, information CHOICE{ characterInfo [2] IMPLICIT VisibleString, binaryInfo [3] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING, externallyDefinedInfo [4] IMPLICIT EXTERNAL, oid [5] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER}} -- InfoCategory ::= SEQUENCE{ categoryTypeId [1] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL, categoryValue [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER} -- Definition of Units IntUnit ::= SEQUENCE{ value [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER, unitUsed [2] IMPLICIT Unit} -- -- IntUnit is used when value and unit are supplied together. Unit, alone, is used when -- just specifying a -- unit (without a value). For example, IntUnit is used in Term, in an RPNQuery, or it can -- be the datatype -- of an element within a retrieval record. Unit (alone) would be used in an element -- request, when -- requesting data be returned according to a particular unit. -- Unit ::= SEQUENCE{ unitSystem [1] StringOrNumeric OPTIONAL, -- e.g. 'SI' unitType [2] StringOrNumeric OPTIONAL, -- e.g. 'mass' unit [3] StringOrNumeric OPTIONAL, -- e.g. 'kilograms' scaleFactor [4] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL -- e.g. 9 means 10**9 } --CharacterString CharacterString ::= SEQUENCE{ abstract-syntax OBJECT IDENTIFIER, string-value SEQUENCE{ by OBJECT IDENTIFIER, as OCTET STRING}} StringOrNumeric ::= CHOICE{ string [1] IMPLICIT GeneralString, numeric [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER} END --IR DEFINITIONS 4.2 Protocol Procedures Section 4.2 specifies services required by the protocol, the protocol model, state tables, and handling of protocol errors. Sections 4.3 and 4.4 specify rules for extensibility, and conformance requirements, respectively. 4.2.1 Services Required The Information Retrieval protocol may be used in conjunction with the presentation layer and the association control service element. If so, it assumes services as described in and Service Provided by the Presentation Layer The protocol may use the presentation service as defined in ISO 8822 to provide a presentation connection for communication between a Z39.50 origin/target pair. If so, this section describes the Presentation services required. The presentation services required are those contained in the presentation kernel functional unit and the session duplex functional unit. (The associa- tion control service element may have additional requirements for presentation services.) All Information Retrieval protocol data units will be mapped onto the P-Data service. The communication service that supports this protocol is a connection-oriented service using the P-DATA service, defined in ISO 8822 in an established application association, in combination with the ACSE, ISO 8649. A Z39.50 origin establishes application-associations as necessary with the target with whom it is engaged in Z39.50 activity. The Z39.50 application- service-element (ASE) may then use the P-DATA service defined in ISO 8822 directly to transmit Z39.50 APDUs. This provides a connection-oriented interaction between Z39.50 systems. A single application-association can be used to support a series of Z-Associations. A single system can be engaged in multiple application associations with multiple remote systems simultaneously. Association Control Services The complete application service may include the association control service element (ACSE), and one or more specific application services, such as the Information Retrieval application service. ACSE, defined in ISO 8649, is used to establish an A-association, and pro- vides association management. There are three distinct phases during the life of an A-association: establishment, information transfer, and termination. ACSE provides services for the establishment and termination phases, including the selection of an application context, specifying information including the set of service elements which are valid during the information transfer phase. It is assumed that prior to APDUs being exchanged the Information Retrieval service user will handle the association control services required to establish an association with an application context encompassing the Information Retrieval service. The application context "basic-Z39.50-ac" is defined and registered in Appendix CTX. 4.2.2 Protocol Model To specify protocol procedure, the abstract, implementation-independent concepts of service-user, service-provider, and service primitive are used. A service-provider provides a communication path between two service users. In this model, the service-provider is analogous to the application layer composed of the Z39.50 origin/target pair. The client is modeled as a service- user together with an origin, and the server as a service-user together with a target. The two service users are referred to as the origin service-user and target service-user. A service primitive is an element of interaction between a service-user and the service-provider. There are four types of service primitives: Request, Indication, Response and Confirmation. For a confirmed service initiated by the origin (i.e., for Z39.50: Init, Search, Present, Delete, Resource-report, Sort, Scan, Extended-services) they are used as follows: 1) Request - A primitive issued by the origin service-user to the service-provider in order to invoke some procedure. 2) Indication - A primitive issued by the service-provider to the target service-user to indicate that a procedure has been invoked by its peer. 3) Response - A primitive issued by the target service-user to the service-provider at the completion of the procedure previously invoked by an indication. 4) Confirmation - A primitive issued by the service-provider to the origin service-user to complete the procedure previously invoked by a request. Notes: (1) For a confirmed service initiated by the target (i.e., for Z39.50: Access-control and Resource-control) the roles of origin and target are reversed. (2) For a non-confirmed service (i.e., for Z39.50: Segment, Trigger- resource-control, Close) only the Request and Indication primitives are used. Primitives are conceptual and their use neither specifies nor precludes any specific implementation of a service. Only primitives that correspond to some element of the service involving the exchange of information between systems are defined. From the perspective of the service-user, the service-provider is system-independent. For the exchange of protocol however, a distinction is made between those portions of the service-provider residing on the client and server (respectively, the origin service-provider and the target service-provider). The sequence of interactions for a confirmed service initiated by the origin is: 1) Request Primitive from origin service-user to service-provider. 2) Protocol Message from origin service-provider to target service-provider. 3) Indication Primitive from service-provider to target service-user. 4) Response Primitive from target service-user to service-provider. 5) Protocol Message from target service-provider to origin service-provider. 6) Confirmation Primitive from service-provider to origin service-user. Notes: (1) For a confirmed service initiated by the target, the roles of origin and target are reversed. (2) For a non-confirmed service, only steps 1 through 3 apply. The following illustrates the sequence of interactions which occur for a Search operation: 1) Search request from origin service-user to service-provider. 2) Search APDU (Application Protocol Data Unit) from origin service-provider to target service-provider. 3) Search indication from service-provider to target service-user. 4) Search response from target service-user to service-provider. 5) Search-response APDU from target service-provider to origin service-provider. 6) Search confirm from service-provider to origin service-user. Note: The interfaces between service user and service-provider, as represented by steps 1 and 6 for the client, and by steps 3 and 4 for the server, are described solely to facilitate the specification of protocols. These steps do not represent intersystem communication, and therefore, the means by which they are implemented are not constrained by this specification. In an actual implementation, step 4, for example, might consist of several messages from the target service user to service-provider. On the other hand, both the target service user and service-provider could be combined in a single program, in which case steps 3 and 4 might not have any real physical manifestation. 4.2.3 State Tables (You didn't really expect state tables in the ascii file, did you?) 4.2.4 Protocol Errors Any events not listed in the tables of section 4.2.3 are not valid and are considered to be protocol errors. With exceptions specified in section 4.3, incorrectly formatted APDUs or APDUs with invalid data are also considered to be protocol errors. This standard does not specify the actions to be taken upon detection of protocol errors. An application context may contain such a specification. 4.3 Rules for Extensibility All syntactical errors in received APDUs are considered to be protocol errors except for the following case: Unknown data elements, and unknown options within the Options data element, will be ignored on received Init APDUs. 4.4 Conformance A system claiming to implement the procedures in this standard shall comply with the requirements in sections 4.4.1 and 4.4.2. 4.4.1 Static Requirements The system shall: a) act in the role of an origin (by sending Init, Search, and Present APDUs and receiving Init-response, Search-response and Present- response APDUs), or target (by responding properly to Init, Search, and Present APDUs with appropriate Init-response, Search-response and Present- response APDUs), or both; and, b) support the syntax in section 4.1; and c) support the Type-1 Query; and d) support (at minimum) version 2 of the protocol. 4.4.2 Dynamic Requirements The system shall exhibit external behavior consistent with having implemented: a) an Information Retrieval ASE which follows all the procedures specified in sections 3, 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3; b) assignment of values to APDU data elements according to the procedures of sections 3 and 4.1; c) encoding of APDUs by applying the ASN.1 Basic Encoding Rules (ISO 8825) to the abstract syntax defined in section 4.1; and d) the Type-1 query whose abstract syntax is defined in section 4.1 and whose structure and rules for evaluation are described in section 3.7.1.