ISOC Document
Title:      Minutes of June 1996 meeting of ISOC Board of Trustees
Author(s):  G.  Huston (Secretary)
Date:       1996.06.29
Committee:  BoT
Document:   96-004
Revision:   2
Status:     Confirmed
Maintainer: G.  Huston
Access:     Unrestricted



June 24 - 25, 1996
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

The Annual General Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Internet Society, a non-profit corporation organised under the laws of the District of Columbia, U.S.A. ("ISOC"), was held pursuant to notice at the Palais des Congres de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, on Monday, June 24 1996 and Tuesday, June 25 1996.

Lawrence Landweber, Chairman of the ISOC Board of Trustees, assumed the duties of Chairman of the Meeting and called the Meeting to order at approximately 12:30pm on June 24. Geoff Huston, Secretary of the ISOC Board of Trustees, assumed the duties of Secretary of the Meeting and recorded the Minutes.

1. Attendance

2. Approval of Minutes

3. Changes to the ISOC By-Laws

4. Ratification of Email Votes

5. Elections Committee Report

6. Financial Reports

6.1 Audit Committee Report

6.2 1995 Financial Statements

6.3 Current Accounts Statements

6.4 1996 ISOC Budget

7. Developing Countries Workshops and Related Activities

7.1 Developing Countries Workshop

7.2 Africa Training Proposal

8. IETF, IESG, IAB and IANA Issues

8.1 IETF and IESG Report

8.2 Standards Report

8.3 IANA Report

9. Staff Issues

10. Legal Activities, Internet Defense

11. Conference Reports

12. Publications Report

13. Education Report

13.1 K12 Workshop

13.2 Thinkquest Program

14. Chapters Report

15. Election of Officers

16. 1997 Trustee Elections

17. Board of Trustees Internal Procedures

18. Development Issues

19. Trustee Elections and Composition of the Board of Trustees

20. Regional Area Directors

21. Emeritus Trustees

22. Next Meeting

23. Move to Adjourn

The Meeting was adjourned at 2:45 pm, 25 June.

Summary of Resolutions

Resolution 96-01 ISOC By-Laws changes relating to Charter member issues and agreements

Resolution 96-02 ISOC By-Laws changes relating to Charter member issues and agreements

Resolution 96-03. Offer of Position of President and CEO

Resolution 96-04. IAB Nominations

Resolution 96-05. International Top Level Domains

Resolution 96-06. INET'97 Arrangements

Resolution 96-07. 1997 ISOC Nomination and Trustee Election Committee Timetable

Resolution 96-08. ISOC Board of Trustees Internal Procedures

Resolution 96-09. ISOC Board of Trustees Election Procedures

Resolution 96-10. Emeritus Trustees