============================================================================== ISOC Document Title: Proposal regarding national chapters Author: Rafael Fernandez Calvo via A.M.Rutkowski Date: 21 June 1995 Body: Board of Trustees Document: 95-015 Revision: basic Supersedes: - Status: Final Maintainer: A.M.Rutkowski Access: unrestricted ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Organization: ATI (Asociacion de Tecnicos de Informatica) From: Rafael Fernandez Calvo Date: Wed, 21 Jun 95 11:07:12 +0100 Subject: Proposal for the Board of Trustees > (8) Do you have any proposals to the ISOC Board-of Trustees meeting? Our Organizing Committee has unanimously approved today a proposal on representation of single countries in ISOC to be submitted to the Board of Trustees. Our proposal takes into account the strong growth of ISOC in the world and what we feel as the need to have flexible, simple and clear rules that favour harmonization of ISOC activities both at the country and the general level. We believe the sooner this issue is given a solution the better for all and everyone, since in many countries there are multiple chapters already in place or in formation. Members of the Internet community will benefit of an increased efficiency and coordination of our activities. Accordingly, the objective of our proposal is to streamline the operation and management of ISOC worldwide while promoting ISOC activities in every single country (and territories thereof). Its contents are as follows: 1. More than one chapter can exist in a single country but every country will have a single representation in the governing bodies of ISOC. At this end, chapters in a country will create a single Federation of ISOC chapters, that will act as the country representative. 2. No more than one chapter could be created in a single territory within the Federation (e.g., only one chapter could exist and be recognized by ISOC in the Region of Madrid or in the State of Michigan). 3. The creation of local chapters within a country will be jointly approved by the governing bodies of ISOC and the corresponding Federation. 4. Voting rights in ISOC should be assigned to Federations according to its number of members, within some maximum and minimum limits.