============================================================================== ISOC Document 94-311 Title: Code of Conduct Proceeding Author(s): A.M.Rutkowski Date: 1994.12.13 Body: Board of Trustees Document: 94-311 Revision: basic Supersedes: - Status: Released Maintainer: A.M.Rutkowski Access: unrestricted ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the 5th Meeting of the Board, the Advisory Council and the Internet Architecture Board were both asked to conduct proceedings leading toward an Interernet Code of Conduct. BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND INTERNATIONAL SECRETARIAT The Secretariat established a WWW-based reference page off of the Society's home page. URL: http://www.isoc.org/proceedings/conduct/conduct.html It contains references to Internet RFCs, international materials, and a special overview prepared by Vint Cerf. ADVISORY COUNCIL At the Council's Prague meeting, it assigned the responsibility for the code of conduct effort as follows: 2) Establish a "Code of Conduct" for users of the Internet: Working with the IAB, the ISOC AC will help develop a Code of Conduct for users of the Internet. Overseeing ISOC AC Member: Dave Sincoskie sincos@bellcore.com No apparent activity has occurred INTERNET ARCHITECTURE BOARD The IAB has tasked the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) with this matter. A new Working Group - Responsible Use of the Network (run) - was established. The chairs are: Sally Hambridge (sallyh@ludwig.intel.com) and Gary Malkin (gmalkin@xylogics.com). Working Group Mail discussion group is (ietf-run@mailbag.intel.com). To join the group, send a message to , placing in body: subscribe ietf-run (your-email-address). A discussion archive exists. A Meeting Report from the San Jose meeting of the IETF was distributed and is attached as Annex 1, below. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CURRENT_MEETING_REPORT_ Reported by Gary Malkin/Xylogics, Inc. Minutes of the Responsible Use of the Network Working Group (RUN) Status Update Chairpersons Sally Hambridge / sallyh@ludwig.intel.com Gary Scott Malkin / gmalkin@xylogics.com Mailing List ietf-run@mailbag.intel.com To subscribe majordomo@mailbag.intel.com In body of message subscribe ietf-run Archives ftp.intel.com:pub/ietf-run Date of meeting San Jose IETF / December 8, 1994 Progress This was the first meeting of the RUN WG. We accomplished all of the goals set forth in the Agenda for the meeting. Agenda 1 - Administrivia 2 - Go over bibliography 3 - Decide on outline for Netiquette Guide 4 - Split the bibliography among volunteers 5 - Summarize Once the administrative details had been taken care of, the group had to determine if the bibliography, little more than a list, should be formatted and submitted as an Internet Draft. It was decided that there are enough bibliographies available and that this list should only be used for internal purposes (i.e., as references for the material to be included in the Netiquette Guide). Sally presented a strawman outline for the guide. Many additions were made during the discussions. The current draft outline is as follows: I. General/Intro A. Intent of the document B. General guidelines for all users (don't waste other peoples time, bandwidth, disk space, etc.) C. Pointers to places where new people are welcome II. One-to-One Communication (email, talk) A. General guidelines 1. respect copyrighted material 2. messages are not secure B. User Issues 1. send administrivia to -request address 2. don't shout C. Administrator Issues 1. keep the list clean (remove bouncing addresses) 2. handle requests in a timely fashion III. One-to-Many communication (newsgroup/mailing list posting, MUD, IRC) A. General guidelines 1. do not repost other peoples' messages without permission 2. lurk before you leap B. User Issues C. Administrator Issues IV. Information Services (Gopher, WAIS, WWW, Archie, anon FTP, FSP) A. General Guidelines 1. no dumping 2. don't maintain unused connections B. User Issues C. Administrator Issues 1. provide pointers to FAQs and archives 2. keep directory structures simple 3. keep filenames simple (acceptable to most file systems) Some additional issues, to be placed in the outline above are: advertising, chain letters, abusive or unsolicited communication, prurient/harrassing, accountability, innappropriate, resource abuse. The bibliography has been divided as follows (by numbers): 1 - Steve Campbell 2 - Peter Berger 3 - Barbara Jennings 4 - Tod McQuillin 5 - jlm@ftp 6 - Gary Malkin 7 - Ed Klein 8 - Sally Hambrdge 9 - Jodie 10 - dropped from list 11 - Marsha Perrott 12 - Sally Hambridge 13 - Luc 14 - Alisa Hata 15 - dropped from list 16 - dropped from list 17 - Sepi B 18 - Barbara Jennings 19 - Jodie 20 - dropped from list 21 - Sue Smith 22 - Nevil Brownlee 23 - Sue Smith 24 - Sally Hambridge 25 - Sepi B 26 - Sally Hambridge 27 - Marsha Perrott 28 - Luc 29 - Peter Berger 30 - dropped from list 31 - jlm@ftp ==============================================================================