Title: Dec 95 Council Meeting Report - Part 1 of 2 Author: C.Joe PASQUARIELLO Date: 1996.01.25 Body: Advisory Council Document: 95-011 Revision: basic Supersedes: Status: For information and comment as appropriate Reference: 95-009; 1995.12.4; ISOC Advisory Council Agenda-07 December 95 =================================================================== GREETINGS to the Advisory Council, et al - NOTE: IF YOU RECEIVE THIS MESSAGE, AND ARE NOT YOUR ORGANIZATION'S PRIMARY REPRESENTATIVE OR ALTERNATE TO ISOC - PLEASE ADVISE - SO WE CAN TAKE ACTION TO KEEP OUR COUNCIL MAILING LIST CURRENT [TRUSTEE RECIPIENTS EXCEPTED]. THANX! First let me apologize for the delay in getting this report to you. I have several excuses - none of them real good. But the holidays, the blizzard of the century' in the US Northeast, two unprecedented US Government shutdowns, a touch of the flu, turnover in the ISOC staff, and now major flooding in the Washington DC area have been some of the contributing factors. Not a really good way to start the new year - but I promise to try harder to improve the timeliness of our future communications. I hope you have all had a chance to view the minutes of the Board of Trustee meetings of 8,9 December which WERE posted promptly to the ISOC server - in HTML yet! [Geoff Huston is not only the world's BEST recording secretary, but apparently the climate - political and otherwise - has been a bit more stable in Australia than here in the US in recent weeks]. The three subjects reported below are those that the Council has previously expressed a strong view on, and also were part of the Trustees agenda. I believe that the Trustees' disposition of these items should be satisfying to you. The following is a summary of our discussion of these items which are coupled to Board of Trustee actions - ie, representation on Board, ISOC role in DNS, and ISOC/IETF roles. Other matters taken up at the meeting which are Advisory Council only' will be reported separately as part 2 of 2 of this report [election to fill the current officer vacancy, various membership matters, and revisions to the Council charter]. |==================================================================| Report of ISOC Advisory Council Meting [Part 1 of 2] 7 December 1995 Dallas, Texas, USA Summary of Major Trustee-Related Decisions & Actions 1. Representation of the Council on the ISOC Board of Trustees =========================================================== By way of backround - the Council has been seeking membership for the four Council Officers, with voting privileges, on the ISOC Board. It has also strongly recommended the disestablishment of the three Charter Members of the Board. ISOC President Landweber reported to the Council that the sentiments of a majority of the Board members concerning the Charter Members were in agreement with the Council views, and that he expected the Board to formally act on this at their Dallas meeting. After discussion, it was agreed that the Council would "back off" on on it's previous request for voting rights so as not to complicate the Board's consideration of the various by-laws changes to be dealt with at their Dallas meeting. This does not prejudice our raising the voting rights [for Council Officers] issue again in the future - should the Council wish to re-address it. The Council Officers now participate in the Board discussions and are invited to sit in on Board Meetings but without voting rights. [Two Council members, UUNET/Adams & MCI/Conn participated in the committee of the Board which developed the reorganization proposals considered by the Board at the December meetings]. ACTION: What are your views on the matter of Voting Rights for Council Officers? Should we reopen this subject with the Board? Or, are you satisfied with the current position - an ISOC Board with all members elected by the ISOC general membership. Please address your comments to the Advisory Council List. 2. ISOC Role in DNS Evolution ========================== A discussion was led by Nick Trio, Council Co-Chair, and who is also one of the authors of the ISOC Draft document on a proposed role for the ISOC in the DNS (draft-isoc-dns-role-00.txt). Brian Carpenter, Chair of IAB; Paul Mockapetris, Chair IETF; and others participated - as did President Landweber. Several other papers extant on the subject were also discussed. It was agreed to prepare a new joint draft document with additional authorship - to include IAB/Carpenter,IETF/Mockapetris, and CIX/Collet. As a step in that direction, Bob Collet [CIX/Sprint] offered to host a workshop on the subject in the Wash DC area on 2 Feb, with wide community representation. Invitations and other particulars on the workshop have since been widely disseminated by President Landweber, the US Federal Networking Council and others. Nick Trio will continue to be active in this effort on behalf of the Advisory Council. ACTION: Express your views on this subject to Nick, or at the workshop if you attend, or later after the revised joint I-D is surfaced for comment. 3. POISED & The ISOC & IETF Roles & Relationships ============================================== Erik Huizer, Chair of the IETF POISED Group, along with ISOC VP Scott Bradner reported and led a discussion of the status of the POISED activity, and the ISOC/IETF relationship in particular. He mentioned that there was a considerable majority of the POISED group that endorsed the ISOC position on this subject as previously articulated by Vint and others. Later - at the IETF Plenary - Eric took a straw poll on this question, and there was an overwhelming expression for IETF to remain affiliated with ISOC. This was most gratifying, and consistent with previous Council views on the subject! ACTION: Be alert to the next POISED Group I-D which will propose a complete revision of RFC1602 setting forth the IETF standards process - for your comments as appropriate. Best regards, C.Joe PASQUARIELLO Council Chair