Title: ISOC Advisory Council Agenda - 27 June 95 Author(s): C.Joe PASQUARIELLO Date: 1995.06.27 Body: Advisory Council Document: 95-008 Revision: basic Supersedes: 95-007 Status: Provisional Maintainer: C.Joe Pasquariello Access: Unrestricted ================================================================= Internet Society Advisory Council Meeting 27 June 95, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Provisional Agenda 1.0 Introductions 2.0 Membership and Administrative Items 2.1 Membership 2.2 Staff Support - EMail List, Archives, etc. 3.0 Significant Council events since INET 94 4.0 Advisory Council Charter 5.0 Status of pending Council Resolutions and Recommendations 5.1 Seating of the Council Officers on Board of Trustees 5.2 Charter members of the Board of Trustees 5.3 ISOC support to Internet infrastructure 6.0 Report of the Trustees meeting of Monday, 26 June. 7.0 Restructuring of the Board of Trustees 8.0 Internet Infrastructure Support 9.0 Internet Standards Process 9.1 Status of RFC 1602 9.2 ISOC/IETF Intellectual Property Rights [IPR] Policy 10.0 ISOC Liaisons 10.1 Status of ISO/IEC, ITU, ATM Forum, ANSI Liaisons [others ...?] 10.2 ISO/IEC Policy and Procedures on Publicly Available Specifications (PAS)