Author: "C.Joe Pasquariello" at smtp Date: 6/9/95 3:15 PM TO: at SMTP CC: at SMTP CC: at SMTP Subject: INET 95 - Advisory Council - Info & Data Call Greetings to the ISOC Advisory Council - [& to the Trustees too !] As previously announced, the Advisory Council is scheduled to meet Tuesday Morning [27 June] during INET 95. I will be Chairing the meeting on behalf of the Advisory Council Officers. We also plan to meet jointly with the Board on Tuesday afternoon. Please advise Cynthia [Mathews] , of your plans for attendance at these sessions if you haven't done so already [so she can arrange for a comfortable room]. Following is a tentative list of topics identified to date for discussion and possible action: 1. Significant Council events since INET 94 2. Advisory Council Charter 3. Report of the Trustees meeting of Monday, 26 June. 4. Status of pending Council Resolutions and Recommendations - Seating of the Council Officers on Board of Trustees - Charter members of the Board of Trustees - ISOC support to Internet infrastructure 5. Internet Standards Process - Status of RFC 1602 - ISOC/IETF Intellectual Property Rights [IPR] Policy 6. ISOC Liaisons - Status of ISO/IEC, ITU, ATM Forum, ANSI Liaisons [others ...?] - ISO/IEC Policy and Procedures on Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) Please let me have your comments and suggestions for any additional agenda items. Trustee inputs are also solicited. Please also review the five Advisory Council Documents contained on the ISOC FTP Server, in the /isoc/bodies/council/documents directory. Approximately a week before the conference, I hope to post a more definitive provisional agenda, and draft text of a proposed Advisory Council Charter [see also Council Document 95-004 for proposed Council Terms of Reference developed by the Officers to date]. Aloha, C.Joe P--> Officer, ISOC Advisory Council ------------------------------------- |Camillo J. PASQUARIELLO, SES | |Associate Director | |US/DoD/DISA/Center for Standards | |10701 Parkridge Blvd | |Reston, VA 22091-4398 | |Tel: (703) 735-3305 | |FAX: (703) 735-3255 | |EMail: | -------------------------------------